Histo​ric US Highways
Histo​ric US Highways
Travel Guides and Books of Historic US Highways

Useful Information and Places to See:
Useful Information and Places to See:
Ukiah-Tahoe Highway Websites By County:
Mendocino County:
Mendocino County Website: www.mendocinocounty.org
City of Ukiah: www.cityofukiah.com
Grace Hudson Museum & Sun House: www.gracehudsonmuseum.org
Vichy Springs Resort: www.vichysprings.com
City of 10,000 Buddhas: www.cttbusa.org
Lake County:
Lake County Website: www.lakecountyca.gov
City of Lakeport: www.cityoflakeport.com
Lake County Wineries: www.lakecountywineries.org
Wheels of the Past, Antique Bicycle Museum: www.wheelsofthepast.org
Colusa County:
Colusa County Website: www.countyofcolusa.org
City of Williams: www.cityofwilliams.org
City of Colusa: www.cityofcolusa.com
Granzella’s Inn & Restaurant: www.granzellas.com
Sacramento Valley Museum: www.sacvalleymuseum.org
Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge: www.fws.gov/refuge/sacramento
Sutter County:
Sutter County Website: www.suttercounty.org
Yuba City: www.yubacity.net
Community Memorial Museum of Sutter County: www.suttercountymuseum.org
Yuba County:
Yuba County Website: www.co.yuba.ca.us
City of Marrysville: www.marysville.ca.us
Nevada & Placer Counties:
Nevada County Website: www.mynevadacounty.com
Placer County Website: www.placer.ca.gov
Historic Grass Valley: www.cityofgrassvalley.com
Historic Nevada City: www.nevadacityca.gov
Donner Lake: www.donner-lake.com
Historic Area of Truckee: www.truckee.com
Tahoe City & Lake Tahoe: www.visittahoecity.org

US Highway 99W Websites By County:
Historic Highway 99 Association of California: www.historic99.org
Sacramento County:
Sacramento County Website: www.saccounty.net
City of Sacramento: www.cityofsacramento.org
Old Town Sacramento Historic District: www.oldsacramento.com
California State Railroad Museum: www.californiarailroad.museum
Yolo County:
Yolo County Website: www.yolocounty.org
City of Davis: www.cityofdavis.org
City of Woodland: www.cityofwoodland.org
US Bicycle Hall of Fame: www.usbhof.org
Heidrick Ag History Center: www.aghistory.org
Reiff’s Gas Station Museum: www.reiffsgasstation.com
Sacramento River Train: www.sacramentorivertrain.com
Colusa County:
Colusa County Website: www.countyofcolusa.org
City of Williams: www.cityofwilliams.org
Granzella’s Inn & Restaurant: www.granzellas.com
Sacramento Valley Museum: www.sacvalleymuseum.org
Glenn County:
Glenn County Website: www.countyofglenn.net
City of Willows: www.cityofwillows.org
City of Orland: www.cityoforland.com
Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge: www.fws.gov/refuge/sacramento
Tehama County:
Tehama County Website: www.co.tehama.ca.us
City of Corning: www.corning.org
City of Red Bluff: www.cityofredbluff.org